Creating confidence in your relationships both personal and business.
Leandra Frey Life Coach
I believe we are created for LOVE and connection no matter what. We connect all day long in our work and personal lives. I help people create powerful relationships. How we do one thing is how we do everything.
I help people learn to be honest and confident in their conversations whether it’s with their spouse or boss. Here’s what I help you master
*Stop walking on egg shells;
*Have fierce unfiltered conversations;
*Create and uphold boundaries from a space of love and respect;
*Learn to give feedback and receive it in curiosity; and
*Live in your self-confidence.
Why Coaching?
What is coaching?
I help you see and understand the emotions and thoughts you are creating. I work in helping you see a future of love and peace. We do this by creating exactly what you in wanting in your work life and personal relationships. I help you identify what is blocking you from creating the life you most desire.